The Foundation is managed by a Board consisting of a maximum of ten members with candidates proposed by Non-profit Organisation Affiliates and Industry Affiliates.
The Board is supported by an Advisory Board composed of international experts in the field of patient safety and quality of care.
In addition, a Council of Affiliates with the following powers has been created: appointment and dismissal of the Board members and approval of the accounts, budget and activities plan as well as the yearly financial contribution.
The Council of Affairs is open to Affiliates that meet the following criteria:
NPO Affiliates: all non-profit organisations interested in safety and quality of care of patients
Industry Affiliates: all commercial companies interested in safety and quality of care of patients
Individual Affiliates: all natural persons interested in safety and quality of care of patients.
All Affiliates must contribute financially for an initial amount determined by the Board and to the yearly financial contribution approved by the Council of Affiliates.